FAIRification of Genomic Tracks - BSC developments

ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource. Since February 2021 FAIRTracks ecosystem is an ELIXIR recommended interoperability resource.

ELIXIR Implementation Study 2018-2019. The FAIRification of Genomic Tracks Implementation Study was focused on “FAIRifying” the metadata related to genomic annotation track files contained in track hubs. To achieve this, we have developed a common data model and technical solutions compatible with the existing TrackHub exchange format for genome browser tracks and implemented demonstrators to show the feasibility of this proposal across systems and programming languages.

FAIRTracks JSON Schema

The repository where all the works have been developed is at: https://github.com/fairtracks/fairtracks_standard

Repositories with changes on EPICO system

GitHub repositories


FAIRtracks validator service (link)

FAIRification of Genomic Data Tracks JSON Schema validator code is available in GitHub:

Original GitHub repository: https://github.com/fairtracks/fairtracks_validator

Python Library GitHub repository: https://github.com/fairtracks/fairtracks_validator_python

Using REST API from command line (screencast): https://asciinema.org/a/279246

Installing and using command line validator (screencast): https://asciinema.org/a/279252